Thursday, August 16, 2007

Climbing the ladder

I have watched some people at work climb the workplace ladder. It is a scary thing to me.: They get blinders on. They lose sight of all of the people around them. They grab what they can from more skilled people: then when they realize those 'mentors'' limitations they downgrade them and seem to forget that they sat at their feet learning for awhile. It is a world about ME and ME is a sad world.

A friend just told me today about moving through the ranks of the Boy Scouts. There, one is expected to share and help while he is moving up.

Then, of course, there is the spiritual ladder. Here the ultimate goal is charity. So the higher up the ladder one gets, the more loving one gets, the more Godlike, the more Christlike. This life is the happiest life on earth for neighbor and self and, yes, the only True life after death. May we all climb Jacob's Ladder to the Emporium where the Trinity is present to all and the Blessed Mother worships the Trinity with the rest of the Saints.

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