Sunday, December 23, 2007

Let us sow while we can

So Thomas Michael had a bad fall. There is internal bleeding. He will be flown to Philadelphia for possible surgery (which was scheduled on January 2nd). God bless him. Pray for him. Pray for him.
This family of six is looking death in the face, but there is hope. God bless them all. God help them in this difficult time. In my family in 1964, my family of six met death when my father was killed in a car accident. I am just now recovering from that trauma. I did not handle the death of my father well. I could not handle it at 14. Now I am facing it, again, as a 57 year old. I realize that I have to handle the loss of my father, though I am not handling it face on yet. Still my heart is feeling the tremors. With Thomas Michael squarely facing death, I am brought more fully before death. Now all I can do for his family is make myself available. I have little to say. I just hope that I can listen and be there, if they need me, want me.
How fragile and temporary life on earth is. May we pray for God's help all the days of our lives.

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