Thursday, December 27, 2007

sleepless on Christmas

I have resolved to walk to work as a sacrifice for Thomas Michael. It is about a mile and a half one way, so it will be three miles a day. Now I am regularly working six days a week, so it will be three miles six days a week which will be 18 mile a week, so in ten weeks I will have walked 180 miles. In 20 weeks I will have walked 360 miles. In 28 weeks I will have walked 504 miles which is just about what Mom walked across Northern Spain on El Camino de Compostela de Santiago. It took her about 8 weeks at 80 years old.

Sunday morning from midnight until 7.00 my body felt very run down, but I have recovered. Yesterday I walked and jogged to work because I was up all day until about 7.00. I arose at about 21.75 and got to work by 22.61, .11 late.

I have played chess with Misha, my daughter Katie's boyfriend. We played four-way chess on Christmas day. It has been a lovely Christmas besides the lack of sleep. I made it to Mass on Christmas day at 9.50.

I will get some sleep early today and get my mind back into my spiritual journey.

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