Tuesday, July 3, 2007

How was the Mass in the Latin Rite destroyed?

GK Chesterton said that when the world and the Church unite that that is the end of the Church. It seems to me that Vatican II, as a pastoral council, was a place where enemies of the Church were able to attack the Mass under the guise of compassion and ecumenism and unite the world and the church (an impossibility, actually)
Every sacrament has its heart, its essential part. In the Mass it is the words of consecration, the Words of Christ, where bread and wine are turned into the Body and Blood of Christ. These Sacred Words are embedded in the cannon of the Mass. The cannon is unchangeable. Through the centuries there were pious sentiments to put the name of St Joseph in the cannon, but no this was not permitted. No additions. The cannon is the cannon until the End of Time.
But somehow through Vatican II the long hand of treachery reached into the cannon, to the heart of the Mass, and changed the Words of Christ: FOR THIS IS THE CHALICE OF MY BLOOD OF THE NEW AND ETERNAL TESTAMENT, THE MYSTERY OF FAITH: WHICH SHALL BE SHED FOR YOU AND FOR MANY UNTO THE REMISSION OF SINS.
The new words of the new christ were that His Blood was shed For you and for all.
The Council of Trent had spoken directly to this point and said that the reason the words FOR YOU AND FOR MANY were used was because although one drop of Christ's Blood could redeem the whole world His Redemption was only good for those who accepted it of their own free will. The point is clearly made. The warning is clearly written that this Mass was to be said until the End of Time, but the Tridentine Mass in the Latin Rite was not put into English it was changed and changed so drastically that it was destroyed.
This act, in my opinion, was like the attack on the Twin Towers. It was simple and deadly. It is the world uniting with the church. This act has hurt and destroyed many people spiritually. The Mass is the Heart of the Church. Martin Luther, I've heard, said that if you destroy the Mass you destroy the Church. Whether he said that or not I believe it to be true. The Church needs the Sacrifice of the Mass (the Sacrifice of Christ at Her center) which St. Pius V supported and defended and will defend from Heaven until the End of Time.

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